
Is Reader's Digest Move to the Right Putting It Outside Mainstream?

Stephanie Clifford (pictured) got in some cheap digs at Mary Berner of Reader's Digest, who is retrenching the magazine toward its conservative roots.

Times Conjures Up Public Support for Amnesty-Style "Immigration Reform"

Do the American people really "overwhelmingly" supporting comprehensive immigration reform - otherwise known as amnesty for illegals? Um, not really, no matter what a rabid Times editorial says.

Former Iran Apologist Cohen Now Calling for Obama to Step Up Rhetoric

Roger Cohen, former apologist for Iran (pictured), writes from Tehran that anti-regime protestors are asking: "Where is Obama?"

Times Leaves Out Details from Its Tardy Story on Gerald Walpin

The Times' Neil Lewis finally covers the tale of Gerald Walpin, the inspector general of AmeriCorps, who was fired under shady circumstances by the White House after pushing to prosecute an Obama ...

Another Huge Pro-Democrat Disparity in a NYT/CBS Poll

In the latest NYT poll, a small gap of two points in how poll respondents identified themselves (34%-32% Democrats over Republicans) became a yawning 14-point gap (38%-24%) after the poll was ...

John Broder Completely Swallows Alarmist Global Warming Report

The Times shows no skepticism about a White House report that blames global warming for increased rainfall and "more powerful tropical storms."

Disgraced Sen. Ensign Swiftly Identified as GOP, Disgraced Dems Not ID'd at All

The Times let us know by word four the Republican Party affiliation of Sen. John Ensign, who confessed to having an affair. By contrast, the paper has often failed to even mention the party ...

Hypocritical Tears for "Red Scare" Victims in '50s NYC

Ralph Blumenthal on Communist teachers dismissed from NYC schools: "It was the height of the Red Scare, and the nation was gripped by hysteria over loyalty and subversion....The Board of ...

Obama Swatting Fly a 'Dirty Harry Make-My-Day Moment'

On MSNBC, John Harwood shared an intense moment with President Obama he had during a CNBC interview: "He had this fly that was persistently buzzing around him during the interview...he swatted his ...

The Times Finds New Way to Insult Ronald Reagan

John Harwood finds a new way to insult Ronald Reagan: The former heartless budget-cutter was actually guilty of "runaway spending."
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