Alessandra Stanley: "[McCain] smiled tightly when Mr. Obama spoke, perhaps under instruction from aides not to be grumpy as he attacked on multiple fronts. But viewers saw not the happy warrior so ...
Patrick Healy mocks McCain's debate performance two days after chiding Sarah Palin's speechmaking and her supporters, saying that McCain's performance went downhill when he "refused to let the ...
Like Gore, IPCC and Carter, NYT columnist shows how Bush-bashing and promotion of the welfare state wins the favor of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Barack Obama: "If I were watching Fox News, I wouldn't vote for me, right? Because the way I'm portrayed 24/7 is as a freak! I am the latte-sipping, New York Times-reading, Volvo-driving, ...
The Obama-Ayers association is merely an "allegation" being made by McCain: "How much have you heard or read about the allegation by the McCain campaign that Barack Obama was associated with Bill ...
Adam Nossiter: "The McCain campaign's depiction of Barack Obama as a mysterious 'other' with an impenetrable background may not be resonating in the national polls, but it has found a receptive ...
Patrick Healy thinks Sarah Palin's "partisan zeal" and "with-us-or-against-us message" could "repel some independent voters," and her speeches have "holes in logic." Does the gaffe machine Joe ...
In honor of his Nobel, here are some of Bush-bashing columnist Paul Krugman's greatest misses, including: "I predict that in the years ahead Enron, not Sept. 11, will come to be seen as the ...
Taboo-breaking comedienne Sarah Silverman (pictured) stars in a pro-Obama get-out-the-vote effort targeted at elderly Florida Jews whuich has been featured in the Times twice within a week.