
McCain "Tarred" Obama as "Dr. No" - But NYT Called Coburn the Same Thing

Two days after running the front-page headline, "Democrats Try to Break Grip Of the Senate's Flinty Dr. No," the Times criticizes McCain for calling Obama "Dr. No" and for his "misleading" ...

McCain "Waving the Flag of Fear" Against Obama With "False" Attacks

A lead editorial insists McCain is peddling a "false account" of Obama's cancelled visit to wounded troops in Germany - but the paper's fact-checker leaves the question open. Also: Is it really ...

Rushing to Obama's Defense Against More "Misleading" Ads By McCain

Two news stories on the same page accuse John McCain of running "misleading" ads against Barack Obama.

Nancy Pelosi Schmoozes With NYT Reporter, Who Asks About Impeaching Bush

Reporter Elisabeth Bumiller poses sympathetic questions to the House Speaker at a public interview, and Pelosi brings up the Fairness Doctrine: "[Right-wingers] saw an opportunity, came out of the ...

"Archconservative" Sen. Tom Coburn Is the NYT's New "Dr. No"

One of reporter Carl Hulse's descriptions of Sen. Tom Coburn may have been even too liberally slanted for the Times. Meanwhile, Ted Kennedy is again simply a "Democrat of Massachusetts."

Reporter Hammers Bush's "Rigid," "With-Us-Or-Against-Us Presidency"

Patrick Healy cites words of wisdom from John Kerry to explain why voters have turned to senators: "Maybe what John Kerry...called the 'stubbornness' and 'rigidity' of the Bush administration has ...

NYT: More Photos of Dead Soldiers, Please

The media actually cites the restrictions on photos of dead soldiers as an excuse for the decline in its Iraq coverage. But is this just an anti-war position packaged as a press freedom issue?

Elisabeth Bumiller, Queen of the "Neo-Conservative" Label

Bumiller puts John McCain on the defensive in a foreign policy clash of wills, with "pragmatists" and realists on one side and "conservatives" and "neoconservatives" on the other.

"Grumpy," Gaffe-Prone McCain vs. Obama's "Tone Poems" in Berlin

"On Thursday evening in a glittering Berlin, cheered by as many as 200,000 people, Mr. Obama delivered a tone poem to American and European ideals and shared history. In contrast, just before he ...

Morning Show Fuels Countertop Cancer Fears

'The Early Show' says countertops could be dangerous but does not include representatives from industry.
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