The Times uses Gonzales' resignation to pile on: "It was Vice President Dick Cheney and his top legal adviser, David S. Addington, who...pushed for a radical rewriting of American policies on such ...
James Glanz: "But Mr. Maliki appeared to reach a new level of stridency with his reply to Senator Clinton, of New York, and Senator Levin, of Michigan."
Steven Lee Myers: "'We are still in the early stages of our new operations,' Mr. Bush said in the radio address broadcast Saturday, as if there were not those who fervently wished the country was ...
From Mark Mazzetti's lead story: "The assessment, known as a National Intelligence Estimate, casts strong doubts on the viability of the Bush administration strategy in Iraq.
The Times can't understand how Bush can cite the Vietnam War in defense of the Iraq War - even though the Times has been critically comparing Iraq to Vietnam for years.
The Times' lead editorial ignores Clinton's culpability in the pre-9-11 hunt for Osama bin Laden, while blaming Bush's "neo-conservative agenda" for distracting the CIA.