
"The Ethicist" Links Mark Foley to Bush's "Profound Assault...on Democracy Itself"

Columnist Randy Cohen, on CNN to talk about Foley: "...this, it seems to me, is a part of a larger pattern of the administration's habit of secrecy, of cover-ups. We see other example in Bob ...

Theatre Critic Rounds up the Usual Cliches: Bush as Nixon, Iraq as Vietnam

"...according to some analysts, George W. Bush has presided over the biggest power grab by the executive branch in American history."

The Times Goes to College - To Deliver Left-Wing Rants

From reporters to the publisher himself, every time a New York Times staffer gets up in front of a college audience, he or she spouts left-wing rhetoric. Coincidence?

G.O.P. Chances of Keeping Control "Undermined" by Foley

"....a controversy that seems to have undermined its chances of keeping control of Congress on Election Day."

Fervid Friedman: "It Is So Important that the Republicans Lose"

Friedman: "For the sake of the country, I really hope the Republicans lose the House and the Senate to the Democrats - by one seat in each chamber."

Respect For the Dead? Rep. Helen Chenoweth, "Archconservative"

"Former Representative Helen P. Chenoweth-Hage of Idaho, an archconservative who ridiculed the Endangered Species Act and the protection of salmon in her own state...."

Times Political Blogger a Fan of Left-Wing PBS Omnipresence Bill Moyers

"Bill Moyers begins a new limited series of investigative reports on PBS with 'Capitol Crimes,' which focuses on the Abramoff lobbying scandal and other matters....we definitely know we should ...

American Newspapers "Prize Neutrality"...Since When?

Today's laugh: "While The Herald is a traditional American newspaper that prizes neutrality...."

Double Standards on Sex Scandals: Foley vs. Studds

A missed opportunity to point out Democratic hypocrisy.

Big, Bad Wal-Mart

Another day, another negative story on the discount giant, accompanied by an editorial plea for a higher minimum wage.
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