
CNN Airs Glowing Review of Ethanol Boom in Iowa

Reporter Lothian leaves out how taxpayers are picking up a large part of the bill.

CBS Downplays Terrorisms Impact on Oil

BusinessWeek cited oil analysts who estimated much higher costs from terrorism.

ABC Rolls Out the R-word as Markets Dip Below 11,000

Reporter Stark warns a recession could be coming, ignores how well the economy is doing.

A $40-Billion Scandal With a Capital D

Networks continue to downplay or skip fiasco at Democrat-run Fannie Mae.

USA Today Falsely Claims Record Price of Gasoline

But years ago when prices climbed, the media sometimes adjusted for inflation to show gas prices werent really all that high.

CBS Uses Immigration to Push Teacher Pay Complaint

But teachers earn above the average U.S. wage and young people are drawn to better-paying jobs by a strong economy.

Jobs Americans Wont Do

Media ran with administration catchphrase despite its obvious flaws.

CBS Pushes Liberal Price Gouging Storyline (Again)

Evening News favors new allegations over other reasons for high prices, ignoring FTC report that found no price manipulation.

ABC Takes a Swipe at American Auto Industry

Gibson continues media focus on declining Big Three automakers, despite other companies new factories.

The Media Love Gore All the More

Entertainment Weekly, Time praise the environmentalist laptop-wielding ninja
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