
CNNs Serwer: Bush Isnt Getting Word Out on Hot Economy

But the business contributor has frequently done his part to emphasize the negative.

Has the Fat Lady Sung?

ABC News urges common sense, parenting in watching childrens weight.

Bashing Big Oil, CBS Still Downplays Hugo Chavezs Use of Oil Profits

Evening News reporter uses Citgo station owner to attack oil companies, while ABC offers a more accurate perspective.

Media Again Ignore Consumer Confidence Highs

Networks leave out good news that high gas prices arent hurting confidence in the economy.

Media Attack Executive Pay, Hide Effort to Seal Their Own Compensation Records

Networks focus on staggering pay and pensions for Exxon and other corporate CEOs, even as media companies fight SEC rule on disclosing high salaries.

Should We Worry About China-U.S. Trade?

Should We Worry About China-U.S. Trade?

CNNs OBrien: Maybe We Could Have More Gas Taxes

American Morning host wants motorists to pay Uncle Sam more at the pump.

NBC: Chicken Farms Shield U.S. Poultry from Avian Flu

In a departure from hype, reporter Tom Costello says American poultry pandemic highly unlikely.

Blogger Who Blamed Halliburton for Iraq Rains on U.S. Economys Parade

David Wallechinsky gives gloomy look at American dream in weekend magazine.

Ethanols Role in Higher Gasoline Prices Not News

Networks seem to be waking up to pricing effects, though free-market critics of the alternative fuel have issued this warning for years.
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