
Kate Zernike Finds Political Conspiracy Theories Driven by Conservative Themes, Racism

Zernike, whose Tea Party coverage is marked by hostility and accusations of racism, found a source to selectively pluck out links between conspiracy theorizing and conservative values, plus ...

Fighting Captain Crunch's 'Darker Side' Against 'Epidemic of Childhood Obesity'

"By explicitly tying advertising to childhood obesity, the government is suggesting there is a darker side to cuddly figures like Cap'n Crunch, the Keebler elves, Ronald McDonald and the movie and ...

Times Finally Weighs in on 'Atlas Shrugged,' Hates It (Of Course)

Carina Chocano called the movie, based on Ayn Rand's "ham-fisted fable of laissez-faire capitalism," "rushed, amateurish and clumsy," and burdened by its libertarian ideology. Since when has a ...

Steinhauer Cites Conservative Rep. Allen West's 'Incendiary Remarks,' 'Hard-Right' Stands

Reporter Jennifer Steinhauer says that Republican Allen West of Florida "is frequently featured on the Fox News Channel and in other conservative settings where he enjoys explaining, reiterating ...

Editorial Plays Race Card on 'Birthers,' Falsely Claims Origin on 'Radical Right'

The Times can't believe it: "The disbelief fairly dripped from Mr. Obama as he stood at the West Wing lectern. People are out of work, American soldiers are dying overseas and here were cameras to ...

Times Flubs Timeline of 'Birther' Myth: First Spread by Hillary Clinton Supporters in 2008

A front-page story said Obama's release of his birth certificate "allowed him to cast his political opponents as focused on the trivial at a time when the nation is facing more important issues," ...

Times Uses Wikileaks to Discredit Guantanamo Bay

The Times lead on Monday continues the paper's criticism of Guantanamo Bay: "The murkiness of the secret intelligence - and the fact that interrogators gathered much of their information from the ...

Even Liberals Think Paul Krugman's a Little Paranoid

Too true: "But Krugman's writing voice sarcastic, data-driven, flecked with just a little bit of maybe-there's-a-bomb-in-the-wastebasket zeal - was perfect for the Internet....There are times, ...

Paul Krugman Favored Raising Retirement Age Until GOP Proposed It

Krugman's hypocrisy: In the debate over entitlement reform, one relatively modest proposal is to raise the retirement age by a couple of years. Krugman said it "shows how disconnected [its ...

New York Times Reporters Cite WikiLeaks Files in Anti-Gitmo Screed

The New York Times offered a distorted glimpse into the prison at Guantanamo Bay and the Bush administration's treatment of suspected terrorists in a series of reports published on Sunday and Monday.
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