Douglas Martin claims sexism on the part of pro-lifers: "The abortion issue, magnified because she was Roman Catholic and a woman, plagued her campaign. Though she opposed the procedure ...
In 2005, the Times published a four-panel picture on the front page that extended over two columns showing President Bush trying to exit a press conference in Beijing through a locked door...but ...
Ethan Bronner: "[Professor Shlomo Avineri] added that the extreme right in Israel had always insisted that criticism of Israeli policy was unpatriotic. Now, the extreme right has more power than ...
For Times obituary writer Bruce Weber, Communist Angela Davis is merely an "activist and educator," but the late conservative activist Paul Weyrich was "one of the far right's most unbending ...
Liberal columnist Nicholas Kristof, Libyan war-hawk: "This may be a first for the Arab world: An American airman who bailed out over Libya was rescued from his hiding place in a sheep pen by ...
Chief "Caucus" reporter Michael Shear's loaded language in defense of Obama-care: "A year after President Obama signed his health care law into effect, the two leading Republicans in Congress are ...
In a story about hazards to birds, the Times quotes a biologist who won't make many friends among cat-lovers: "They are like gypsy moths and kudzu - they cause major ecological disruption."
The Times looks askance when big food conglomerates fight government regulations on fatty foods - but a fight to feed "hungry" children in America (over 17 million of them?) fosters no ...
Andrea Elliott's worthwhile cover story on a conservative Muslim working against radicals contains some wild overstatement: "Muslims have grown up in a newly hostile country, with mounting ...
Reporter David Halbfinger flatters Democratic Rep. Steve Israel as an "unassuming centrist" up to the task of winning back the House for the Democrats and lets Israel squeeze in some talking ...