
Now It's AZ Gov. Jan Brewer to Blame for Climate of Violence

Adam Nagourney finds another Arizonan besides the shooter to attack: "But fairly or not, Arizona's image has been forged in part because of Ms. Brewer herself, who has been identified with the ...

Public Editor Has Problem With Paper's Front-Page Editorializing for Obama-Care

Public Editor Arthur Brisbane has a problem with the paper putting columns on the front page: "The Times's decision to place it on Page 1 that posed the difficulty, sending the message that The ...

After Urging Restraint After Fort Hood Massacre, Shameless NY Times Blames GOP for AZ

After a Muslim officer killed a dozen soldiers at Fort Hood, the New York Times editorialized "it will be important to avoid drawing prejudicial conclusions from the fact that Major Hasan is an ...

After Urging Restraint After Fort Hood Massacre, Shameless NYT Blames GOP for AZ

After a radical Muslim Army officer killed a dozen soldiers in Texas, the Times editorialized "it will be important to avoid drawing prejudicial conclusions from the fact that Major Hasan is an ...

Move Over, Palin: Matt Bai Uncovers New Bogeymen for AZ Shooter, Sharron Angle

Reporter Matt Bai: "...the problem would seem to rest with the political leaders who pander to the margins of the margins....Consider the comments of Sharron Angle, the Tea Party favorite who ...

Arizona's 'Fierce Devotion to Firearms' Gets Turn in Blame Game for Shooter's Insane Rampage

The Times twice cites Arizona's "fierce" devotion to guns and questions the "passionate gun culture in Arizona, which crosses political lines and is notable for its fierceness, even in the West." ...

Times Suggests Toxic Political Stew Contributed to Climate of Violence in AZ

The Times finds motivations for an insane person's murderous rampage in the Arizona air: "Still, the shootings came after a disconcerting run of episodes in this district of mountains and desert, ...

Unnamed, Unlabeled 'Critics' Suggest Palin Helped Create 'Climate for Political Violence'

The Times avoids labeling the irresponsible left-wing critics of Sarah Palin: "Under criticism that her political rhetoric had helped create a climate for political violence, Sarah Palin addressed ...

Arizona Shooting Coverage Is a Media Campaign to Criminalize Conservatism

In First 48 Hours, Liberal Media Fulfill Democrats' Desire to "Deftly Pin This on Tea Partiers" and Other Conservatives
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