
Former Reporter Firestone Sees 'Extremist Politics' in Palin's 'Alaska'

Former Washington correspondent David Firestone is disturbed at how Sarah Palin supporters "flock to this portrait of a way of life that is radically different from the way most Americans now live ...

Editor Bill Keller Defends the 'Value' of WikiLeaks: Info's 'Absolutely Fascinating'

Executive Editor Bill Keller reacted badly to a National Public Radio question suggesting Julian Assange of WikiLeaks was a "looter" or a smasher of windows. Keller insisted the document dump has ...

The Times Finally Slips in Some Unflattering Facts About 'Dream Act' Amnesty

Wait: I thought this was just about high school students? Julia Preston belatedly reports some of the actual features of the "Dream Act" amnesty program: "The lead sponsor of the Senate bill, ...

So Much for Civility: Times Embraces Obama's 'Hostage-Taking' Rhetoric

The sedate, responsible New York Times advances the cause of civility on its editorial page: "President Obama was right to use the metaphor of hostage-taking to describe the Republicans' tactics."

Jesus and Muhammad: NYT Hypocrisy on 'Challenging, Disturbing' Images

The Times berates the Smithsonian for pulling a video offensive to some Christians: "The exhibition is supposed to deal with culturally challenging images. Indeed, some of the most important roles ...

NYT Style Mag 'T': No to the 'Cult of the Virgin Mary,' Yes to Ground Zero Imam

Holly Brubach gets seriously anti-Catholic in "T," the Times style magazine: "[Marina] Warner's scholarly survey of the shape-shifting that Mary has undergone over the past two millennia ...

David Herszenhorn Shrugs Off Democratic Senators Comparing GOP to Terrorists

Compare Republican senators to terrorists, and threaten a popular uprising against them? Shrugworthy news to Times reporter David Herszenhorn. But suggest Obama is being too partisan, and you're ...

MSNBC's Mitchell Touts Planned Parenthood Poll Claiming Palin Not Trusted on 'Women's Health Issues'

During Tuesday's 1PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Andrea Mitchell highlighted a new poll from the left-wing pro-abortion group Planned Parenthood that claimed that voters do not trust Sarah Palin on ...

NYT Style Mag 'T' Treats Julian Assange As Pop Icon, Purveyor of Truths

A writer for the Times' style magazine credits Julian Assange with giving "The Gift of Information" this Christmas season: "In contrast to the petabytes of data flotsam, half-truths and ...

Frank Rich: 'Stockholm Syndrome' Explains Obama's Post-Election Lethargy

Sunday columnist Frank Rich displays his usual firm grasp of common sense and civility: "Those desperate to decipher the baffling Obama presidency could do worse than consult an article titled ...
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