
Times Devotes Entire Editorial Page to Attacking 'Pledge to America'

Is the Times scared? "The pledge takes the country backward - a place no one should want to go."

Oliver Stone Not Leftist Enough for Economics Writer Joe Nocera

"The greed that Mr. Stone so vividly conveyed in his first 'Wall Street' movie got completely out of hand. Much of the trading that went on in the prelude to the crisis was almost nihilistic, ...

Another Obama Press Release: 'With Part of Stimulus Act Expiring, Thousands Face Losing New Jobs'

Reporter Michael Cooper found no one to criticize an "effective" Obama-administration make-work program that paid the salaries of unemployed people for government and private-sector jobs: "Tens of ...

Director Kazan's 'Naming Names' Lumped in With Anti-Semitism, Murder

"Naming names" as bad as exploiting teen daughters and anti-Semitism? Arts reporter Randy Kennedy ponders the evils of exposing Communists and defenders of Stalinist tyranny: "Should we think 'On ...

Conveniently Timed Front-Page Fretting About GOP Fundraising Groups

Friday's front-page expose was only the latest in a series of front-page stories hammering Republican fundraising groups - and seemingly only Republican fundraising groups - as a promising ...

Times Bashes 'GOP Pledge,' Just Like It Did the GOP's 'Contract With America' in 1994

Will the new "GOP Pledge" help Republicans in November? Of course not! Here's David Herszenhorn in a story originally headlined: Some Say G.O.P. Pledge to Voters Would Increase Deficit. "But even ...

The Times Trumpets Yet Another Tiny Illegal Immigrant Protest

Once again, immigration-beat reporter Julia Preston finds "dozens of college students" protesting in South Beach worth a 1,200-word story: "Dozens of college students lay down on South Beach on ...

Obama, Bringing Hope to the Paris Slums

"But anti-American sentiment, once pervasive in these neighborhoods, seems to have been all but erased since the election of Mr. Obama, who has proved to be a powerful symbol of hope here and a ...

Shocker: Left-Wing Times Reporter Off to Left-Wing Huffington Post

Peter Goodman should find a good home at HuffPo, given his Marxist-infused reporting for the Times on America's faith in unfettered markets and Hummers as a sign of wasteful decadence."

Reporter Kevin Sack Issues White House Press Releases for Obama-Care

"For Many Families, Health Care Relief Begins Today" is one of four profiles the Times featured on the front of the National section to celebrate the day many of its regulations (the Times calls ...
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