
Obama-Care Comeback 'A Legislative Lazarus Tale'

The Times gets biblical on the eve of Sunday's successful House vote in passing Obama-care.

Adam Nagourney Says Citizens Don't Care About 'Deem and Pass,' Just Typical 'Procedural Stuff'

The paper's chief political reporter questions if citizens really care about how Congress passes the most intrusive piece of legislation in a generation: "Does anyone really care if the bill is ...

Dems Still Making Hay Out of Unflattering NYT Profile of Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell

The DNC will release an ad to air in D.C. this weekend based on a profile of Mitch McConnell pitching the Senate minority leader as an Obama-care obstructionist.

Times Praises Book that Sneers of 'Know Nothings...Demagogues of the Republican Right'

Times critic Dwight Garner praises left-wing author Tony Judt: "Mr. Judt surveys the political and intellectual landscape in Britain and the United States since the 1980s, the Reagan-Thatcher era, ...

Herszenhorn's Shallow Analysis of CBO's Obama-Care Numbers: Imagine a Fruit Salad

David Herszenhorn's shallow analysis of the CBO cost estimates for Obama-care framed the outcome as a political triumph for Obama. By contrast, the Washington Post actually drilled into the ...

Surprise: Democrats Find Yet Another NYT Story to Their Liking, Shop It Around

The Hill reports: "In a memo to a broad group of Democratic lawmakers, communications staff and party strategists obtained by The Hill, Democratic National Committee (DNC) Communications Director ...

Calmes Again Puts Onus for Deficit Reduction on Minority-Party GOP

Yeah! Retired Republican Senator Alan Simpson set "to challenge the party's antitax orthodoxy" according to reporter Jackie Calmes.

The Times' Obama-Care Optimism Remains Unquenched

Reporter David Herszenhorn's eternal (and so-far misguided) optimism on the prospects for Obama-care once again burns bright in Thursday's lead story on health-care reform push, Showdown Near ...

Health Insurance: Your Ticket to Eternal Life

Nicholas Kristof unwittingly reveals the secret to immortality in a column pushing for greater access to health care.

NY Times Hailed as 'One of the Most Gay-Friendly Institutions in the World'

Former Newsweek Editor Charles Kaiser gushed on Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger: "Practically overnight, he transformed what had been a relentlessly homophobic place into one of the most ...
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