
NYT's James Traub on John Kerry, Latest 'Decent, Serious, Honorable' Dem Destroyed by 'Republican Attack Machine'

New York Times Magazine writer James Traub on mistreated John Kerry: "Kerry seemed to be the latest in a long line of decent, serious, honorable Democratic presidential candidates cut to ribbons ...

Texas Gov. Rick Perry Like 'George W. Bush on Steroids'

A charming image, courtesy of Times contributing writer Robert Draper, on Texas's Republican governor, Rick Perry: " his ostrich-skin cowboy boots with popcorn tumbling down his shirt while ...

Editor: Mag Readers Aren't Liberal, Just Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Gay, and Pro-Social Spending

Times Magazine editor Gerald Marzorati says his magazine isn't necessarily on the left, but "reflects a place where women have professional ambition, where immigrants are welcome, and where gay ...

NYT Magazine Publishes Charge That McCain's a Phony POW

Liberals were outraged in 2004 when they nominated Sen. John Kerry and some veterans who served with him on Swift Boats had the audacity to challenge his war heroism. How will they greet cranky ...

As Isolated POW, McCain Didn't Learn Correct Liberal Lessons from Vietnam

Matt Bai in a Sunday Magazine cover profile of McCain and his experience as a POW in Vietnam: "Whatever anger McCain felt remained focused on his captors, not on his own superiors back in Washington."
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