
Using Polar Bear Knut to Push Discredited Global Warming Threat

Reporter Nicholas Kulish forwards Al Gore's discredited global warming threats to polar bears: "Knut arrived on the scene at a moment when global warming was a growing topic, born the same year ...

Reporter Condemns 'Dragon' Germany Proposing a Path of 'Austerity and Suffering' for Poor Greece

"...Germany has floated above the fray. While its economy has hummed along nicely, its leaders have steadfastly insisted that the path to redemption for the debtors lies in austerity and ...

Austria Parties Are 'Far-Right,' You Say?

Reporter Nicholas Kulish gets label-happy in a dispatch from the euro-zone bailout battles.

Aww: London Rioters, Hurt By Cuts in Social Spending, 'Lacked Hope'

Nicholas Kulish: "Economics have been one driving force, with growing income inequality, high unemployment and recession-driven cuts in social spending breeding widespread malaise. Alienation runs ...

In Cairo, Times Decides It's OK to Use Barack Obama's Full Name

The Times flayed the GOP for saying "Barack Hussein Obama" during the campaign, but celebrates the president's middle name when it may benefit him overseas. Plus, Obama's effortless diplomacy in ...
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