
'Nightly News' Proposes 'Geo-Engineering' Atmosphere as Solution to Climate Change

Segment suggests tinkering with the clouds and posting other elements in space to prevent so-called manmade climate change.

Brian Williams Loves the Lefty Humor of 'Indispensable' Jon Stewart: How Did We Live Without Him?

On, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams absolutely gushed over the lefty comedy of the "indispensable" Jon Stewart. The post, which was promoted in the December 7, 2009 edition of ...

Networks Promote Season of Giving

Broadcast networks encourage charity during November.

NBC 'Nightly News' Champions Obama's Sensitivity to Women

Correspondent's one challenge to the president focused on a male-only basketball game.

CBS Skips Any Mention of Massive Deficit Numbers Under Obama

Wednesday's CBS Evening News With Katie Couric and Thursday's Early show completely ignored any mention of the fact that the deficit has risen to a staggering $1.4 trillion, triple what it was a ...

Racist Accusations: The Left Draws an Old Weapon on Conservative Opponents

Media uncritically repeated racism charges against protesters.

'Nightly News' Focuses on Greenland Melt, Ignores Antarctic Ice Expansion

NBC correspondent goes to Greenland to expose global warming, but expert in segment admits fallibility of climate model predictions.

'Nightly News' Promotes Paying Children for Public School Success

Brokaw plays up program that comes at $1.35-million cost to D.C. taxpayers, but neglects to point out budget struggles of school system.

'Nightly News': Don't Let the Mild Weather Fool You, There's Still Global Warming

NBC environmental correspondent defends global warming alarmism, suggesting warm weather is on the way.
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