
Notre Dame Pacifier?

President Obama came to the campus of Notre Dame armed with all his usual arrogance. Despite his radical abortion record, he posed as the national moderator of "common ground."

CNN's Whitfield: Have Catholics 'Evolved' on the Moral Issues?

Minutes after she praised President Obama on Sunday for his "courageous" decision to accept the invitation to speak at Notre Dame, CNN anchor Fredricka Whitfield played the role of liberal ...

Times Sneers Some "Angry" Pro-Life Obama Opponents "Not Even Catholic"

How dare they defend life without proper religious bona fides! "Many demonstrators had no affiliation with Notre Dame and were not even Catholic," reporter Peter Baker writes, to discredit ...

Networks Lead the Cheer for Obama's Notre Dame Address

On abortion, he talked a good game, and that was enough for reporters.

Notre Dame Protests Over Obama Address Merely "High-Pitched Indignation"

Suddenly, protests against commencement speeches by political figures are troubling and potentially cringeworthy - at least when they involve pro-abortion liberal Democrats.

Fight Over Obama, Notre Dame Address Leaves Networks Speechless

Radical pro-choice president speaking at a Catholic graduation ceremony is non-controversial to broadcast journalists.
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