
Notable Quotables - 11/16/1998

"Bombastic and Ruthless" Gingrich Haters

Media Called Him Lenin, McCarthy, Scrooge, the Grinch, Manson, A Threat to the Human Species

MediaWatch: November 2, 1998

Matthew Shepard's Mudbath Memorial; NewsBites; Shut Up Before Your Words Kill Again!; Is Sex the Only Scandal?; Only FNC Corrects Hit on Starr

Notable Quotables - 12/01/1997

MediaWatch: November 1997

A Day in the Media's Warming Crusade; NewsBites: Cuddly Killer; CNN Touts Paris Over D.C.; Chinese Intelligence Brags of "Thwarting" Thompson Hearings; Big Government Solutions; Where's Charlie ...

Notable Quotables - 12/02/1996

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