NY Times

Media Research Center

In NY Times, Law Prof on Polygamy: ‘Is There Any Magic Power in the Number Two?'

‘The real force of the polygamy question is a lesson in humility.’
Media Research Center

NY Times: Transgender Kids’ Lit ‘Part of Fabric of Who We Are’

Gray Lady welcomes trans titles for children.
Media Research Center

NYT Blog Wants ‘Margaret Sanger on the $20 Bill’

Ignoring her abortion opposition, blog praises Planned Parenthood founder.
Media Research Center

‘Jeopardy’: This NY Times Reporter Admitted Bias on National TV ...

In game show appearance, reporter calls GOP’s Issa as ‘Annoyer-in-Chief.’
Media Research Center

New York Times Turns Up Heat on New Chief Executive Mark Thompson -- With Caveats

New story raises serious questions, but Times' outrage still doesn't approach its Catholic Church levels.
Media Research Center

Updated: NY Times Hyped Pope Abuse Cover-Up Questions, Buried Them for New CEO

Paper showed far less interest in new boss’ possible cover-up of BBC sex abuse.
Media Research Center

Left, Media Hype Climate Threat: This Summer Is What ‘Warming Looks Like’

Coverage of Colorado fires, East Coast heat wave and other weather prove media are still willing to blame anything on global warming.
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