
The Three Faces of Hillary - All Flattering

Mark Leibovich's latest flattering profile gives us Hillary Clinton, Efficient Manager.

Poor Mexicans "Being Squeezed" by Decline in Money Sent Home from Illegals

Isn't the plight of poor Mexicans properly the responsibility of Mexico?

Talking Around Rangel's Big Tax Hike

The Times manages not to spell out precisely where Rangel's tax-hike proposal would begin to bite on "the wealthy."

Adoring Elizabeth Edwards

No "trophy wife" cracks here: "A campaigner so skilled, some wonder who's running."

NYT Loves Bureaucracy

The Times' new editorial board blog celebrates big government and bureaucracy

Double Standards on Osama-Obama Gaffes: Romney vs. Kennedy

Mitt Romney mixed up Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden, and the Times has fun. But what happened when Ted Kennedy did the same thing?

Times Goes Easy on Rep. Stark's Despicable Comments on Bush, Iraq

Liberal Rep. Pete Stark unleashed more despicable comments, sliming U.S. troops as murderers and George W. Bush as a monster, but the Times soft-pedaled the offense while noting Stark "will ...

Editorial Page In Denial Over Good News in Iraq

"The news out of Iraq just keeps getting worse," the lead editorial blares. Does that "news" include the 70% reported drop in violence since the end of June?

"How Dirty Did the Tricks Get?" Times Swallows All Valerie Plame's Claims

In a review of Valerie Plame's new book, Janet Maslin doesn't raise any questions about the former CIA employee or her husband, anti-war misleader Joseph Wilson.

Kakutani's Surprise Kick at Feminist Faludi's "Sloppily Reasoned" 9-11 Book

The Times at first fawned over feminist Susan Faludi's deluded new book on 9-11 - but then liberal book critic Michiko Kakutani ripped the "ill-conceived and poorly executed book," "one of the ...
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