
Times Gripes About Lack of Abortion in "Knocked Up"

The Times gripes about a new hit comedy: "On Abortion, Hollywood Is No-Choice."

Our Lead Story on Falling State Tax Revenues? Never Mind

The Times, April 8: "State tax revenues around the country are growing far more slowly this year and in some cases falling below projections..." The Times, June 11: "State lawmakers across the ...

"Relentlessly Pro-American" Albania Welcomes Bush

A strange choice of words to characterize a pro-US country.

Times Editor Questions the Timing of Terror Alerts

Times Weekend Editor Marty Gottlieb "was mindful of a history of orange alerts that came at politically convenient times and previous terror plots that wound up amounting to less than they first ...

Conservative's Defeat Immigration Bill, Thanks to "Visceral" Repetition of "Hot-Button Word"

Julia Preston gives immigration "reform" opponents their due but still manages to condescend.

Media Dislike Pro-Life Messages in Mainstream Movies

Why is it when Hollywood decides to address the subject of complicated pregnancies, the liberal media have to carp if the directors opt not to promote abortion?

Liberal Rhetoric on Bringing Illegals "Out of the Shadows"

Jennifer Medina sobbed: "Within hours, any sense of sanctuary that the city and advocates for immigrants advocates [sic] had developed over the years was turned upside down, replaced with fear."

Not So Fast: Bush Fails to "Derail Climate Plan" in Germany

A front-page photo caption is no longer operative.

Shock: NYT Writer Takes on the Sainted Rachel Carson and "Silent Spring"

Science writer John Tierney: "Ms. Carson used dubious statistics and anecdotes (like the improbable story of a woman who instantly developed cancer after spraying her basement with DDT) to warn of ...

"Far Right" Clarence Thomas Afraid to Speak for Showing His Ignorance?

Editorial board member Adam Cohen attacks Thomas's rectitude and says of Bush's Supreme Court selections: "With its new members, the court is also likely to make prisons less civilized, and ...
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