
Times Covers Edwards' Hateful Bloggers, Balances Story with Lame Charges Against McCain Blogger

The Times puts the controversy over Edwards' campaign bloggers Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwan on the front page, but leaves plenty of room to relay weak left-wing charges against McCain blog ...

GOP "Caricatured" Poor Nancy Pelosi Over Jet Controversy

Carl Hulse issues a predictable defense of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

"Powerful Muckraker" Rep. Henry Waxman Takes on the Bushies

Philip Shenon puffs partisan Democratic liberal Rep. Henry Waxman, the new chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which will apparently become subpoena central in the new ...

For Former NYT Environmental Reporter, It's Apocalypse Now for the Climate

Retired Timesman William Stevens doesn't have much doubt about global warming, and even brings Hurricane Katrina into the apocalyptic picture: "The awakening has been energized largely by dramatic ...

GOP Still "Blocking" Debate on Iraq?

Zeleny repeats Democrat spin that it's Republicans who are blocking debate in the Senate regarding Bush's troop increase, while Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid refuses to allow votes on two ...

Failed Budget Talks All Cheney's Fault

Steven Weisman goes to his favorite deficit "Cassandra," Democratic Sen. Kent Conrad. Plus more "deep cuts" that are actually slowdowns in spending growth.

The Times Finds Anti-Bush Discontent in...NBC's Hit "Heroes"

"Nowadays, many dramas obliquely echo the public's disenchantment with their government after Abu Ghraib and the quagmire in Iraq."

Spinning a Lead Headline in a Democratic Direction

The Times spins for Democrats: "In Senate, G.O.P. Blocks A Debate Over Iraq Policy."

"Deep Cuts" in Bush's $2.9 Trillion Budget?

The Times has made an annual tradition of finding mostly nonexistent "deep cuts" in Bush's "austere" multi-trillion dollar budget proposals.

Democrat Edwards, Still Not a Liberal

Understatement of the week, from reporter Steven Weisman: "Still, not everyone in the [Democratic] party is a deficit hawk."
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