Katharine Seelye: "You know a campaign is reaching when it starts calling the opponent a 'redistributionist,' as Mr. McCain said of 'Barack the wealth-spreader.'"
More hopeful thinking that Miami's Cuban-American community will drop its obsession with Communist dictator Fidel Castro: "A victory by any of the Democrats could bring to Washington a new ...
Frank Rich defends white Americans, now that they're supporting Obama: "Such human nuances are lost on conservative warriors of the Allen-McCain-Palin ilk. They see all Americans as only white or ...
Patrick Healy is quick to put Michelle Obama's "proud of America" gaffe in context and suggest it's a discredited charge. The Times didn't give Cindy McCain quite that kind of consideration.
A "wind-whipped wildfire" of religious conservatives are battling gay marriage in California "in stunningly apocalyptic terms," reports Laurie Goodstein.
Religion reporter Laurie Goodstein forwarded a story on Palin's religion that's been circulating on left-wing blogs and cites a website that ran an article calling the governor's beliefs ...
Colin Moynihan goes to see Ayers in Manhattan: "While describing his views on education and social justice, Mr. Ayers hardly resembled the unrepentant terrorist that his critics have sought to ...
David Kirkpatrick on McCain: "His campaign has pelted his rival with attacks that make some of his old advisers wince, like questioning Mr. Obama's patriotism or tying him to 'a domestic terrorist.'"