
Who Let Evil Rove in the Newsroom?

The Times makes belated front-page news out of Bush strategist Karl Rove's advice offerings on Fox News and in Newsweek. He's no "thinking woman's sex symbol," as the Times described George ...

Guantanamo Bay Inmate Released, Becomes Terrorist: Still U.S. Fault?

Alissa Rubin on a man released from Guantanamo who became a suicide bomber: "As many as 36 former Guantánamo detainees have taken part in violent acts against Western targets after their release, ...

House Democrats Aim to "Rescue" Over Half a Million Homeowners

Those wonderful Democrats, battling both Bush and the foreclosure crisis: "Hoping to throw a rescue line to at least half a million families in danger of losing their homes..."

The "Credible" "Innocents" of Guantanamo Bay? Former Inmate Becomes Suicide Bomber

While Nicholas Kristof fretted over the abuse of innocent prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, a colleague revealed that a released inmate was a bomber tied to suicide attacks in Mosul.

Still Calling it the Haditha "Massacre"

Manohla Dargis reviews a British filmmaker's dramatization of the "massacre" by Marines in the Iraqi town of Haditha.

Women Airbrushed from Summer Movie Screens, Whines Movie Critic

Manohla Dargis tries to make summer moviegoers feel guilty about the lack of women in films: "All you have to do is look at the movies themselves - at the decorative blondes and brunettes smiling ...

On Crucial Primary Day, the Times Definitely Tilts Toward Obama

Sarcastically criticizing Hillary, the Times unleashes its inner Republican: "She raises eyebrows and arms in exaggerated indignation. Students who take jobs they do not particularly want after ...

It's Still All Reagan's Fault

Eric Eckholm on two studies of the drug war: "More than two decades after President Ronald Reagan escalated the war on drugs, arrests for drug sales or, more often, drug possession are still rising."

Has Obama Really Overcome His Wright Problem? NYT Says Sure

But a new USA Today/Gallup poll found the opposite to be true: "One-third of likely voters say Obama's ties to Wright make them less likely to vote for him."

GOP Again Challenging Dem Patriotism - But Where's the Times' Evidence?

Robin Toner's still whining about Michael Dukakis: "[In 1988] the Republicans used the symbols of nationhood (notably, whether schoolchildren should be required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance) ...
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