
Media Research Center

Still Thrilled by Obama

Four years ago, the ABC, CBS and NBC morning shows celebrated the “rock star” Democrats running to replace George W. Bush, and no candidate set journalists’ pulses racing faster than Barack Obama. ...

Media Promote Myth of Clinton Golden Years, Hype His New Economic Book

Coverage of 'Back to Work' maintains storyline of Clinton's era of prosperity, downplay his role in later economic collapse.

'Mini Ponzi Scheme' Takes Down N.J. Democrat Corzine; Networks Forget They Used Him as 'Top' Economic Voice

Former governor resigns in disgrace as MF Global CEO, but broadcast news ignore Obama ties.

In Pipeline Battle, Left Hypes Climate Threat Ignores Need for Jobs, Oil

Lefty media outlets attack Keystone XL project with climate alarmism, 'absurd' economic claims.

Networks Push for Infrastructure Spending, Ignore Cost and Danger of Federal Failures

ABC, CBS and NBC silent about mistakes that took lives during Hurricane Katrina, wasted countless tax dollars for years.

Suppressing Obama's Solyndra Scandal; MRC Analysis Finds TV Networks Hyping Enron 24 Times More than Solyndra Fiasco

Suppressing Obama's Solyndra Scandal; MRC Analysis Finds TV Networks Hyping Enron 24 Times More than Solyndra Fiasco
Media Research Center

Networks Keeping Viewers In the Dark on Solyndra Scandal

ABC, CBS and NBC Bury News of Taxpayer Money Squandered on Obama-Linked Solar Energy Company

Jobs Grow by 103,000, But Obama Still 6.2 Million Jobs from Promise

September shows job gains, unchanged 9.1% unemployment rate

Awful Unemployment Rate Left Out of More Than 3/4 of Job Stories

Network evening shows talk about employment woes, but rarely mention 9.1 percent figure.

Media Silence on Allegations of Partisanship in Hiring Career Lawyers at DOJ

American Spectator senior editor Quin Hillyer appeared on the Fox News Channel Sunday to highlight the media's continued silence about the Obama administration's use of liberal ideology as a ...
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