
Mass. Vote Shows Obama a Rerun of Carter

Despite media efforts, election shows Big Government could be history.

Taxpayers Will Pay Twice if Obama Gets His Bank Tax

President's attempt to punish bankers for taking TARP is unfair and will bite consumers, not executives.

'Stossel' Finds 'Crony Capitalism' in Green Jobs Stimulus

Fox Business notes close connection between White House and only window maker that got tax credit.

Many Faces of Obama Don't Want to Face Job Losses

No matter who the media says the President is this week, he's still presided over the worst job loss since before WWII.

Truth in Advertising

If only the Federal Trade Commission would hold its boss to the same standards of veracity it demands from businesses.

Conflict of Interest? Intel Gives $250 Million Obama Charity in Midst of FTC Suit

Media once eager to criticize Bush administration's ties to private companies give Obama a pass.

Obama Presides Over Most Jobs Lost Since 1940

News media have spun rising 2009 unemployment positively, but more than 4 million lost jobs tops post-World War II high.

Networks Downplay $42 Million in 'Outrageous' Bonuses, 'Unlimited' Bailout of Fannie, Freddie

Journalists critical of pay at bailed out banks muster only 175 words to report compensation of Fannie execs.

Media Go Easy on Obama As He Reinvents, Extends TARP to Weeks before Midterm Elections

Network news shows barely report criticism of 'slush fund' tactics, although they criticized Paulson for 'bait-and-switch' in 2008.

Class Warfare: Government vs. Everybody Else

Media helped promote Obama attacks on 'fat cat bankers,' while federal employees earn 76 percent more than private sector.
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