
ABC's Stephanopoulos Lobbs Softballs to Gibbs; CBS and NBC Provide Challenge

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs made the rounds on the network morning shows on Tuesday, ahead of President Obama's prime time Oval Office address on the Gulf oil spill. While he had ...

MSNBC's Mitchell: Oil Spill An 'Opportunity' for Obama to Push Energy Bill

Speaking to New York Magazine columnist John Heilemann on MSNBC Friday, anchor Andrea Mitchell wondered if the Gulf oil spill could be a political opportunity for President Obama: "Is there an ...

Newsweek's Jonathan Alter Pouts that Obama Has to Clean Up Bush's Mess

Jonathan Alter of Newsweek once again blamed Bush and the Republicans for creating the mess that Obama is now cleaning up, preventing the President from accomplishing his agendas.

CBS's Schieffer: If Oil Leak Plugged, White House Job Scandals Will 'Go Away'

On Friday's CBS Early Show, Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer argued that if the Gulf oil spill could be stopped, the scandal of the Obama administration offering jobs to Democratic senate ...

The AG vs. BP: Little Skepticism on ABC and NBC, While Lefty Talker Blasts Holder as 'Corporatist' Pretender

American lawyers who represent captured terrorists are simply fulfilling their duty to provide representation, it is often argued by those who seem to enjoy mucking up efforts to curtail future ...

HuffPo's Grim: Real 'Crime' of White House Was 'Holding Back A Progressive Agenda'

On Thursday's 11AM EST hour on MSNBC, anchor Tamron Hall asked Ryan Grim of the left-wing Huffington Post about recent scandals involving the Obama White House tampering with Democratic primaries: ...

Media Double Standard on Gulf Coast Disasters

MRC Study: Networks Pounced on Bush Right After Katrina, but Obama Granted Four Weeks of Breathing Space

CBS Grills BP Official, Lobbed Softballs at Energy Secretary

On Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez interrogated BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles on the Gulf oil spill: "Can you can understand why a Congressman told us that BP has lost ...

CBS 'Early Show' Hits Obama from Left on Offshore Drilling

Introducing a segment on Thursday's CBS Early Show about President Obama's decision to open up some new areas to offshore oil drilling, fill-in co-host Jeff Glor warned that some of Obama's ...
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