
Media Research Center

Networks Parrot White House Spin That Latest ObamaCare Delay Due to 'Surge in Demand'

On Wednesday, all three network morning shows repeated the White House line that the reason for delaying the March 31 ObamaCare enrollment deadline was due to a last-minute "surge" of people ...
Media Research Center

Incredible, Shrinking Obamacare

How do we know Obamacare is failing? Because they're burying the story. In almost three months, CBS has given it five minutes of coverage in the evening, ABC seven.
Media Research Center

Andrea Mitchell Slams Hobby Lobby: 'What Right Do They Have to Interfere With Medical Decisions by Women?'

On her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Tuesday, host Andrea Mitchell interrogated attorney Mark Rienzi for representing Hobby Lobby in the Supreme Court case against the ObamaCare contraception ...
Media Research Center

Ed Schultz Finally Apologizes for His Bogus ObamaCare Prediction, Lashes Out at Wash Post

Liberal anchor Ed Schultz on Monday finally admitted that his ObamaCare prediction from last December was wrong. On December 11, 2013, the Ed Show host prognosticated, "[ObamaCare enrollment is] ...
Media Research Center

CBS Adopts Left-Wing Spin on ObamaCare Contraception Mandate: Women's 'Rights' vs. 'Religious Freedom'

On Tuesday's CBS This Morning, co-host Gayle King adopted liberal spin on the ObamaCare contraception mandate being challenged in the Supreme Court: "It pits the rights of a woman's access to ...
Media Research Center

MRC Study: Network TV Buries ObamaCare’s Bad News

So far this year, the three network evening newscasts have minimized, spun or ignored every negative development about ObamaCare, while at the same time touting staged pro-ObamaCare publicity ...
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore Bad News for ObamaCare One Week Before Enrollment Deadline

With only a week to go before ObamaCare's sign-up deadline, the networks ignored the law entirely on Monday evening even though the latest estimate has the administration one million sign-ups ...
Media Research Center

CBS Boosts White House's Final Push for ObamaCare Before March 31 Deadline

Bill Plante acted as a stenographer for the Obama administration on Thursday's CBS This Morning, as he spotlighted the "multi-tiered state and national effort to get young people enrolled" in ...
Media Research Center

CNN Admits ObamaCare 'Still a Liability,' But Hypes 'Major Milestone' in Enrollment

In a refreshing change of pace, CNN's John King skeptically wondered on Tuesday's New Day about the White House touting the five million "enrollments" in ObamaCare: "They wanted to get the seven ...
Media Research Center

ABC's 'Nightline' Skipped ObamaCare for 123 Days, Gossips Over 'Bootleg Butt Injections'

How do the journalists at Nightline define news? On Monday night, co-host Dan Harris and reporter Mariana van Zeller spent an astonishing nine minutes and 33 seconds on the salacious, gossipy ...
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