Norah O'Donnell's 20-second news brief on Monday's CBS This Morning is the sole Big Three network mention so far of the Wall Street Journal's Sunday report about a "troubling element" of ObamaCare ...
On the December 8 Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace pressed
ObamaCare architect Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel repeatedly about how the
President’s ObamaCare promises are not turning out to be true. In ...
Chris Matthews gets a thrill up his leg ("I've got the Christmas Eve excitement brewing") as Barack Obama drops by MSNBC's Hardball; longtime Newsweek correspondent Howard Fineman proclaims Obama ...
On Tuesday's MSNBC Daily Rundown, host Chuck Todd was eager to declare the ObamaCare disaster to be over and claim Republicans were now of the defensive: "With
750,000 visitors to the site ...
Monday's CBS Evening News and Tuesday's CBS This Morning both underlined the continuing problems with, even after the Obama administration claimed "it met its deadline to make ...
CNN's Chris Cuomo asserted on Tuesday's New Day that Democrats should focus on defending ObamaCare instead of pivoting to the debt
ceiling as a distraction. "The Democrats going on a three-week ...
Leading off a report on Monday's NBC Today, White House
correspondent Peter Alexander skeptically observed: "The Obama
administration says it met its own goal of significantly improving the ...
On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd noted that "the most interesting thing" in an Obama administration progress report on the malfunctioning ...
In a segment on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press that host David
Gregory laughably billed as an ObamaCare "reality check," he invited two
of the law's biggest supporters to deliver White House ...