While discussing the numerous ObamaCare failures on Wednesday's NBC Today,
chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd felt it necessary to
gratuitously bash Republicans: "And suddenly you have ...
John Dickerson didn't mince words about the "bad launch" of ObamaCare in his Tuesday item for Slate.com. The CBS News political director invoked one of deceased tyrant Kim Jong il's most infamous ...
On Tuesday's NBC Tonight Show, host Jay Leno provided harsher
criticism of President Obama falsely claiming that Americans could keep
their current health insurance plans under ObamaCare than ...
The journalists at Good Morning America on Wednesday conceded that Barack Obama may have "misled the public" on the health care law, that "some call it a lie." But at the same time, reporter Jim ...
Jumping in to excuse President Obama for making the false promise (“If
you like your plan, you can keep your plan”), ABC News on Tuesday night
rationalized how ObamaCare is simply saving ...
Even after the White House admitted that some Americans would lose their
health insurance – breaking multiple promises by President Obama that
people could keep their health plan under ...
You can give MSNBC’s Morning Joe crew credit for this much:
they spent almost half an hour on Tuesday’s show discussing the NBC News
report that President Obama knew that millions of Americans ...
CNN's Joe Johns wouldn't call President Obama's "you can keep your
health care plan" promise a lie or a broken promise, on Tuesday.
According to him, it "might have been an oversell." This ...