
CBS Validates and Rationalizes Obama's Strategy to Defeat 'Controversial' Ryan Plan

"Critics say it's about time" for President Barack Obama to offer his plan to reduce the deficit, CBS's Chip Reid acknowledged Tuesday night before he proceeded to rationalize Obama's ...

ABC's Sawyer Makes Time to Tout: 'You Heard It Here First, the President Is Going with Kansas!'

Diane Sawyer allocated all but 1:37 of World News to Japan on Wednesday night, committing 33 seconds of that limited time to touting President Obama's NCAA basketball picks provided to ABC ...

'The Good Wife' Actor 'Wanted to Become a U.S. Citizen So I Could Vote for Obama'

Actor Alan Cumming (IMDb page), who was born in Britain and plays the scheming campaign manager "Eli Gold" on CBS's The Good Wife, told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette last week: "I wanted to become a ...

USA Today Op-Ed: 'Obama Is...Wizard of All Things to All People and Master of Warm Healing'

Friday's USA Today featured an op-ed, "Centrist Obama mustn't sacrifice too much," from Rich Benjamin, a Senior Fellow at something called "Demos," who admitted he remains "besotted by President ...

Amanpour Hails Obama as 'Reaganesque' But Contended Tea Party Too 'Extreme' for Reagan

ABC's Christiane Amanpour hailed President Obama's State of the Union address as "very Reaganesque," but in October, holding herself up as some kind of protector of Reagan's legacy, she feigned ...

Enthralled White House Press Corps Pose Sycophantic 'Questions' to 'Comeback Kid' Obama

"There weren't a lot of hard questions in this news conference," FNC's Bret Baier observed in an understatement. Indeed, Caren Bohan of Reuters reflected the collective glow of the White House ...

Rates Unchanged, Yet CBS Insists 'Battle Over Tax Cuts' Means 'Cuts for High-Income Earners' and Middle Class

Though under the Obama-congressional GOP compromise income tax rates will remain unchanged for all, CBS anchor Jeff Glor introduced a story by characterizing a "battle over tax cuts" and how ...

Nets Paint GOP as Obstinate, Highlight Failure to Offer 'Mea Culpa' or Match Obama's 'Peace Offering'

Covering President Barack Obama's White House meeting with congressional leaders, ABC and CBS portrayed incoming House Republicans as the ones obstinate about tax rates, refusing to compromise ' ...

Obama's Approval Plummeting and GOP Surges in Generic Ballot, So CBS Sets Out to Discredit Tea Party

A new poll found the public rejecting President Obama and Democrats ' so CBS focused on discrediting the legitimacy of the Tea Party. Katie Couric teased: "A CBS News poll finds support for ...

ABC Champions White House's 'Greatest Hits of the Stimulus Program,' Sawyer Trumpets 'We Have the List!'

ABC whored itself out Thursday night to an effort by the White House to prove its "stimulus" spending created a lot of jobs. "Still ahead on World News," an easily impressed Diane Sawyer hyped, ...
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