
More Doom That Wasnt

Broadcasters turn news into 24-hour speculation cycle about $5 per gallon post-hurricane gas prices.

Dobbs Bashes Pro-Growth Katrina Rebuilding Policies

CNN business anchor uses race in wrongheaded criticism of administrations efforts to help workers.

Network Images Pump Up Gas Prices

Medias Scare Tax of 75 cents per gallon is four times higher than federal burden of 18.4 cents.

Post Calls Left-Wing Organization a Consumer Group

Latest story part of a trend with newspaper to depict leftist associations as neutral.

ABC Reporter Portrays Union as Victim, Delphi as Villain

Reynolds ignored Delphis $76-an-hour wages and $400-million per year spent on laid-off workers.

143 Million Cheeseburgers Short of Paradise

ABC misstated goal for weight loss by supersized amount.

Networks Dump Coal on Wal-Marts Christmas

Morning shows ignore the union-based assault at the core of companys troubles.

Economic Growth Report Gets a Few Paragraphs

Papers call strong GDP weaker than expected, hide news in briefs.

If Inflation Falls in the Forest

If we listened to the media, no one would have heard the biggest price decline in 56 years.
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