
McCain Pushes 'Cap-And-Trade' Plan to Fight Global Warming

GOP candidate promotes working with Europe on climate change, but only wants to 'encourage' involvement of 'rest of the world.'

'Early Show's' 'Clean and Green' Family Takes Extravagant Carbon-Curbing Measures

CBS showcases Florida family that reduced their carbon footprint by 90 percent, but didn't disclose their cost to do so.

Time Part V: Time Goes for the Green -- In Your Wallet

Financial impact of magazine's recommendations could put you in the red.

Edwards Claims His Mega-Mansion is Carbon Neutral

Presidential candidate promotes carbon caps for business, but carbon 'offsets' for himself.

Public Radio: Why Should U.S. Adopt 'Failure' of E.U. Carbon Reduction Plans?

'Marketplace' segment acknowledges economic 'pain' of ineffective emissions cuts.
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