
Post Reporter: Gas Prices Are Down, So Why Not Raise Taxes?

Writer Steven Mufson portrays support for higher fuel levies as bipartisan.

'Bad News Bears'

How Networks Distort a Good Economy and Batter President Bush

Wash. Post Notes Popularity of Gas Price Conspiracy Theories Among General Public

But reporter Steve Mufson left out that some journalists, like CNN's Jack Cafferty, have given credence to the idea.

Media Ignore OPEC's 'Toying' with Oil Output

Weeks ago, CNN's Jack Cafferty pushed theory that oil company execs were driving prices down.

Coastal Protection Turned into Reefer Madness

Environmentalists to thank for yet another eco-tastrophe.

NBC Accuses Oil Firms of 'Fleecing' Taxpayers

But reporter's complaint is really that government forgot to tax oil drilling.

CNN's Serwer Dismisses Market Conspiracies

But his network has toyed with gasoline price-fixing conspiracies for weeks.

NBC Briefly Covers Oil Price Plummet

But anchor Brian Williams skeptical about further price drops.

Networks Yawn as Natural Gas Plummets

Two-year low in prices and declining heating bills slip by quietly.

Curses, Foiled Again by Another Oil Conspiracy Theory

CNN's Cafferty claims industry is dropping prices to help Republicans win mid-term elections.
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