
Bill Maher: 'People Get Stupider and Stupider Every Election Cycle'

HBO 'Real Time' host says Americans 'don't deserve good leaders.'

CBS Highlights Southwest's Smart Business Practices

'Evening News' shows how discount carrier maintained profitable streak through oil hedging and simplified business model.

ABC's Gibson Guilts Exxon CEO

'World News' anchor ignores business principles, presses Rex Tillerson on 'why people are fed up, angry, indeed disgusted with the oil companies.'

CNBC Blog Credits Obama with Oil Drop

Author claims victory could knock $40 a barrel off cost, but he's a Democrat donor and other experts disagree.

Israel-Iran Tension Causing Oil Price Surge, CNBC Analyst Says

John Kilduff says early spike in oil stems from Israeli Transport Minister calling attack on Iran's nuclear facilities 'unavoidable.'

Times Warns Economy "Will Worsen Before It Gets Better"

As if the economy isn't actually strong right now. What the Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke actually said: "...the overall economy remained resilient in recent months."

Fervent Friedman Foils "Foolish Market Worshipers Led By Dick Cheney..."

Columnist Thomas Friedman pits "...foolish market worshipers" that "insist markets will take care of everything" vs "wiser" policy makers.
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