
Media Research Center

NY Times Fawns Over Bill Nye: ‘Warrior for Science’

Scientific critics of Nye’s climate claims get no attention in Times profile of activist ‘Science Guy.’ 
Media Research Center

Gayle King to Tom Coburn: Deficit-Neutral Disaster Relief Risks 'Alienating Your Constituents'

On Wednesday's CBS This Morning, open Obama supporter Gayle King strongly hinted to Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn that he would face voter backlash for seeking cuts in the federal budget to pay for ...

Krugman: U.S. Students 'Could Learn A Little Bit' From Violent Riots in UK, France

Talking to the University of Oklahoma's student newspaper, did Paul Krugman, respected economist turned partisan liberal columnist, really suggest American college students start rioting about ...

An Extremely Slanted Piece on Oklahoma's Strike Against 'Shariah' Law

James McKinley Jr.'s hostile, slanted story on a pre-emptive strike by "archconservatives" and "right-wing Republican lawmakers" against shariah law in Oklahoma brought up faulty arguments against ...

Kos Article Says Number of Abortions May be 'Too Low'

On left-wing Web site calls more abortions 'moral'; another article calls new Oklahoma abortion law 'blackmail.'

Conservatives Are Doomed, This Time in...Utah?

Kirk Johnson sees the death of conservatism in the repeal of a Utah liquor law and celebrates the state's moderate GOP governor Jon Huntsman Jr.

There's Even Hope for Pro-McCain Oklahoma

Kirk Johnson: "Not a single county in Oklahoma stirred from the orderly phalanx marching behind Mr. McCain, the senator from Arizona who was the Republican nominee....But that staunchly ...

First Reaction: Liberal Journalists Blamed Conservative Pols And Talk Radio For Oklahoma Mass Murder

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