
Media Research Center

NYTimes' Shear Defends Obama's 'You Didn't Build That', Says Romney 'Twisted' Words Out of Context

New York Times reporter Michael Shear defends Obama's notorious "You didn't build that" remark: "Last month, the outrage was directed at another Romney ad that took a few lines from Mr. Obama ...

Maxim Editor Compares 'Crazy' Bachmann to Hitler, Hussein and Bin Laden

Joe Levy suggests rapper Kanye West could have also compared himself to the Minnesota Congresswoman.

Holy Week: Media Worship Earth Day, Attack Easter

Broadcast networks rave about eco-holiday; use resurrection of Christ as excuse for assault on Catholic Church.

Santelli: AIG Bonuses Only Millions, Let's Focus on Billions and Trillions

Outspoken CNBC Chicago floor reporter questions populist, political outrage over $165 million bonus paid to bailed out executives.

Populist 'Outrage' Forgets People Behind American Business

Clinton and Obama want to stick it to The Man - but just who is The Man?
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