
Media Research Center

The Media’s Cracked Crystal Ball: What Journalists Said We’d Find in 2015

In the 1980s and ’90s, journalists passed along expert predictions of the world as they thought it would be by the year 2015. Now that the New Year has finally arrived, it might be fun to ...
Media Research Center

Media Commit ‘Cultural Imperialism’ in UN Report Pushing Abortion for Teens

Steven Mosher accuses media of taking ‘radical position that age of consent laws should be abolished.’
Media Research Center

Alternet Writer Suggests Moms Are ‘Environmental Villains’

Mom feels guilty about ‘environmental impact of procreation.’
Media Research Center

HuffPo Blog: Valentine’s Day Spurs Overpopulation, Global Warming

Blog recommends condoms to save the world. 

Kristof Cringes at Thought of More Harmful Humans Being Born

Columnist Kristof: "So as we greet the seven-billionth human, let's try to delay the arrival of the eight billionth. We should all be able to agree on voluntary family planning as a cost-effective ...
Media Research Center

Overpopulation Chic: Stubborn Americans Averse to Controls on 'Right to Bear Arms Or Children'

Mireya Navarro: "As recently as the 1970s, the subject of population control was less controversial, partly because the baby boom years had given rise to concerns about scarcity of resources, some ...

Population: 7 Billion Reasons to Panic this Halloween

Milestone causes alarm among left-wing population control proponents, media allies.

Psychology Today Blog: Ban Having Children for 5 Years

Bestselling author Kotler calls octuplets' mother a 'murderer' and warns of overpopulation saying, 'we need to lose 4.4 billion people.'

Are You Afraid of the News?

Media treat viewers to terrifying stories about economic crisis, planetary 'peril' and bacterial 'monsters' and it's not even Halloween yet.
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