Pam Belluck

Media Research Center

NY Times Pits 'Conservatives' Against 'Advocates for Women’s Health' at Planned Parenthood

Reporting on the administration's morning-after pill controversy, the New York Times' Pam Belluck twice pits "conservative and anti-abortion groups" against benign "advocates for women’s health" ...
Media Research Center

The New York Times Embraces Social Libertinism at a Catholic College and at the Pharmacy

The Times celebrates with explicit language "a tiny beacon of sexual health resources at the deeply Catholic institution" -- a condom giveaway program at Boston College. Also, a lead story ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Delivers One-Sided Story on Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

Reporter Pam Belluck made Saturday's front page with her slant against the rising pro-life trend of Christian-run pregnancy centers: "Abortion rights advocates have long called some of their ...
Media Research Center

NYT Rushes to Texas Planned Parenthood's Aid in Front-Page Story

The New York Times runs to Planned Parenthood's front-page defense in Texas against the budget-slashing, anti-choice state legislature: "But the clinic closed in October, along with more than a ...
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