
A Mosque Source That's a Little Too Close

In a Ground Zero mosque story, the Times quotes a freelance journalist warning against Islamophobia - who happens to have freelanced for the Times.

Reporter Paul Vitello Calls Pro-Israel American Jews 'Slavish'

Classy word choice: "...a newly outspoken wing of Israel supporters has begun to challenge the old-school reflexive support of the country's policies, suggesting that one does not have to be ...

FBI Sowing 'Anger and Fear' Among Muslims

The Times also ignores history in defending the Muslim "civil rights organization" the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Did Times Report Invent a Quote for Catholic Leader?

Holy Jayson Blair! Catholic League president William Donohue charges Times reporter Paul Vitello with inventing a quote: "I never said anything remotely like this."

A Double Standard on "Smears"

The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and Willie Horton ad fall under the "smear" category, but the NAACP's 2000 attack on George W. Bush doesn't.

To Protect Illegal Immigration, NYT Goes to Bat Again for Agri-Business

Did the "new politics of immigration" really put a farmer "out of business"?

The "Reagan-Era" Mike Huckabee?

Reporter Paul Vitello among the believers: "Whatever unease politicians may stir when they invoke Christmas among non-Christians does not seem to apply here. The hegemony of Christianity is as ...

Huckabee Turning "Hard-Line" on Immigration to Appease GOP Base

Michael Cooper discovers a "hard-line" Huckabee on illegal immigration.

How Strange: Conservative Town Thinks US Troops Are on "Our Side"

"...almost none seemed to foresee a happy result for 'our side,' as many in this conservative, Republican-voting place put it."

"Strident" Conservative Busybodies with a "Black-and-White" Attitude Toward Illegals

How dare he: "[Steve] Levy has held to a black-and-white assertion: Illegal immigration is illegal, and should be punished."
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