
'Evening News' Plays Race Card on Home Loans

CBS suggests race was a factor in $300 delinquency surcharge in subprime hardship story.

Burnett Quadruples Foreclosure Statistics

Reporter says 8 percent of homes are in foreclosure, when it was actually 2 percent for the fourth quarter of 2007.

'World News' Jumps to Criticize 30-Day Foreclosure Freeze

Left-wing organization spokesman calls program unveiled by U.S. Treasury Dept. 'a PR effort.'

Subject of ABC Medicare Story Claims Misrepresentation

Retiree named Medicare Advantage 'favorite' says 'Good Morning America' exaggerated his support of private insurance companies.

Liberal Economist Urges Government to Seize Private Homes

Property rights movement finds progressives are as big a threat as Supreme Court.

What Now -- Student Lenders Stealing Food from Borrowers?

'World News Sunday' pushes victimization theme, using extreme scenario and leading Democrat to blame lenders.

ABC 'World News' Uses Questionable Data in Home Foreclosure Story

Report states foreclosures up 90 percent, although source admits its own foreclosure data is susceptible to error.
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