On Thursday evening, former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner appeared on the PBS NewsHour
to discuss his new memoir. Not only did the taxpayer-subsidized anchor
Gwen Ifill gently press ...
Charlie Rose invited Timothy Geithner on for the entire hour on his PBS
show to plug his new memoir but never once asked him about the juiciest
nugget in the book - that the White House told ...
ABC, CNN, MSNBC and PBS on Wednesday and Thursday all covered the "shocking" corruption involving the Democratic mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina. Yet, while talking about the tens of thousands ...
David Remnick of The New Yorker told PBS's Charlie Rose that President Obama may go down as a historically "big" president -- partly because there has been "no scandal" in his administration and ...
PBS anchor Judy Woodruff asked a question on Monday’s NewsHour that perfectly captured the modern liberal mentality about government spending and debt. During a taped interview with former ...
The media took the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington to slam Republicans and conservatives as racist for daring to oppose President Obama's policies, with the Associated ...
PBS’s Judy Woodruff and Gwen Ifill provided a tag team of Obama idolatry
in their interview with President Barack Obama at the White House
following Wednesday’s March on Washington anniversary ...
We’re halfway through 2013, and PBS’s Washington Week used last Friday’s episode to reflect on the past six months of D.C. politics. During the course of the reflections, moderator Gwen Ifill ...