
Media Research Center

Media Yawn at Hollywood Child Abuse

Former child actors say the number-one Hollywood problem is pedophilia. The same news outlets that hammer the Vatican are silent.
Media Research Center

NYT’s Keller: Catholic Celibacy Led to Pedophilia

Religion hater peddles discredited idea.
Media Research Center

Incest and Pedophilia, The New Frontier

Hollywood’s march to obliterate every boundary of sexual decency should compel even the harshest accusers of conservatives to apologize profusely. They were wrong to mock warnings of the ...

Obama's Retiring Pastor: Jefferson a Pedophile

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright's explosive accusation against Thomas Jefferson was not reported by the Associated Press and the Chicago Sun-Times, though the audio is on the newspaper's Web site.

Vigilant Parents Required

Never underestimate a federal bureaucracy. The FCC has struck again.
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