
When the Story's Got Children, Who Needs Facts?

Media coverage of State Children's Health Insurance Program expansion heavy on liberal talking points, light on its unattractive reality.

Two Lewd Tuesdays

Oprah promotes, Whoopi volunteers for irresponsible sex.

LA Times Backs Away from Bias – But Not All the Way

A story on the House ethics bill paints Capitol Hill corruption as an exclusively Republican problem. The next day's revised version injects a little balance, but not enough.

CNN's Velshi Misreports Tax Numbers While 'Minding Your Business'

Reporter emphasizes 'cost' of repeal, but gets it wrong.

Media Amnesia Strikes on AMT Reform

AMT Mess: Media blame Bush tax cuts, not politicians who neglected to index the tax to inflation.

How High Can You Stand for Your Taxes to Go?

Democrats won't go on TV to defend their sly plan: a $2-trillion tax increase.

GOP vs. Pelosi's Daffy Diplomacy

Friends of God Not Friendly to Evangelicals

Why bother trying to discover who evangelical Christians are, when all you're really doing is reinforcing tired old stereotypes?

Energy: Mission Impossible?

Politicians and the media clamor for energy independence but leave out crucial details.
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