
Double Standards on Dueling Campaign Ads: Katharine Seelye Calls Kristol a Neocon

Katharine Seelye dubiously defends CAIR, while painting Bill Kristol as a neocon puppetmaster whose anti-Sestak ad "serves as a shot across the bow to candidates in other states whom Mr. Kristol ...

CBS: 'Tough' Pennsylvania Immigration Law, Like 'Controversial' Arizona Law, Faces 'Fierce Opposition'

On Saturday's CBS Evening News, anchor Jeff Glor reported on an immigration protest in Boston: "...hundreds opposed to Arizona's controversial immigration law protested the presence of Arizona ...

Cities of Ruin: Profiles Five 'Bankrupt' Cities, Ignores Liberal Causes

Reporter Ray Sanchez notes 'lingering economic downturn' and excessive debt, fails to explore problems of unionized labor, illegal immigration and overspending.

Arlen Specter Embattled; Media Long Used Senator as Club to Bash "Far-Right" GOP

Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter could find himself out of a job Tuesday night, if his newly-adopted Democratic Party refuses to renominate the 80-year-old incumbent for a sixth term. For the ...

"Almost Entirely White and Irritable Crowd" of "Angry" Obama-Care Protesters

After years of celebrating liberal protesters, the Times shudders as an "almost entirely white and irritable crowd" of "angry" conservatives hassle Democratic Sen. Arlen Specter about Obama-care.

Specter One of a "Dwindling Band of Republican Moderates"

Haven't they dwindled away yet? The Times first used the phrase "dwindling band of Republican moderates" back in 1996.

Obama Wins IN, VA, NH, NM? Bad for McCain. McCain Wins PA? Anti-Obama Racism

Double standards on the front page on Election Day from Katharine Seelye. While Obama wins in Indiana, Virginia, and other states would be a "disaster" for McCain, a McCain win in Pennsylvania ...

Defending Amnesty for Ilegals: The Times Loses It

A Times news story actually suggests that the killing of an illegal in a PA town could have been inspired by a mild anti-illegal immigration ordinance from two years ago, in a town 20 miles away.

Times All But Takes Back Hillary Endorsement

A plea to party bigwigs to push Hillary, a big winner in three big states, out of the race: "It is getting to be time for the superdelegates to do what the Democrats had in mind when they created ...

To Protect Illegal Immigration, NYT Goes to Bat Again for Agri-Business

Did the "new politics of immigration" really put a farmer "out of business"?
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