
Media Research Center

Pension Crisis: Networks Targeted Gun Investments 4 Times More Than Detroit Before Bankruptcy

Journalists’ typical liberal spin kept viewers in the dark about Motor City fiscal problems.

Facing Facts: Government is Still Less Efficient, More Incompetent Than the Private Sector

1984 Grace Commission found excess overhead, employment by government; today is no different as waste, corruption and fecklessness abound.

CNN Exposes 'Lavish' Government Pensions despite Economic Crisis

While many Americans struggle simply to reach retirement, 'Broken Government' illustrates Congressional members' 'generous' pensions.

Broadcast Nets Panic over Second-Guessing of Obama Administration's Chrysler/Fiat Deal

ABC, CBS and NBC warn government-structured deal for automaker was in danger over temporary delay.

They Say They Want a Revolution: Privately-Run Public Schools

But major media ignore or downplay some of commission's key recommendations for improved education in America.

Biased Accounts

Networks Guarantee Liberal View of Social Security
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