
CNBC Reporter Gives Full-Throated Support for Higher Gas Taxes

On Tuesday's edition of MSNBC's Daily Rundown, Steve Liesman robustly defended raising gasoline taxes as a way to address rising oil prices. The CNBC senior economics reporter minced no words to ...

Networks Downplay $42 Million in 'Outrageous' Bonuses, 'Unlimited' Bailout of Fannie, Freddie

Journalists critical of pay at bailed out banks muster only 175 words to report compensation of Fannie execs.

Morici Says Health Care Bill, CBO Estimates Based on 'Nefarious' Assumptions

Maryland economist says 'reform' bill will cost 'typical American family' up to $2,000 more for coverage.

'Early Show' Expert Blasts Obama Economic Proposals

Peter Morici advises Obama to use markets as a 'sounding ground.'

Dear WSJ: Morici is Wrong on Trade Deficit

Worries about China/U.S. trade is 'unwarranted.'

Networks Back Big Three Bailout

As with mortgage bailout, broadcast news outlets support government rescue of failing auto makers.

Dear Baltimore Sun: High Debt Reflects Irresponsible Gov't Spending

Making sense of the trade deficit.
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