
CBS's 'Dangerous' Medicine Reporting Hard to Swallow

'Early Show' discusses new FDA regulations for cough medicine; excludes business perspective.

First Bottled Water, Now Tap - Networks Sound Alarm about Drinking Water

Network news broadcasts report scare about 'unclear' risks posed by traces of pharmaceuticals in drinking water.

Despite Media Carping, Americans Largely Trust Drug Companies

Media attacks on pharmaceutical companies don't resonate with the public, which overwhelmingly believes drug makers improve quality of life.

NY Times Touts New FDA Regulations, Ignores Industry

Report on new FDA requirements for experimental drug testing ignores possibility of higher costs, includes no industry input.

CBS Reporter Says Massive FDA Expansion Will 'Fix' Everything

Report endorses a $225-million expansion of federal bureaucracy and industry regulations.

Review: 'SiCKO' Doesn't Offer Cure-All for Health Care

Michael Moore offers a lot of criticism for American health care, but his solution is taxing on viewers, citizens.

Networks Dramatize Diabetes Drug Dangers

ABC, CBS and NBC emphasize the potential for complications and death from Avandia, despite calls from study's author to exercise discretion.

ABC and CBS Give No Credit to Novartis

Evening broadcasts praise 'promising' drug for osteoporosis without naming the manufacturer.

Student Loan Providers 'Sound Like Drug Companies,' CNN Reporter Scolds

'In the Money' report drags several industries through the mud while pushing for more government control of student loans.

'60 Minutes' Uses 13 of Its Minutes to Back Drug Regulation

CBS attacks drug companies, fails to explain impact price controls would have on the market.
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