Phelim McAleer
4/16/2015 8:05 AM ET
McAleer made Ferguson grand
jury come to life in D.C.
4/15/2015 1:40 PM ET
‘Ferguson’ tells what media didn’t about the shooting.
3/30/2015 11:59 AM ET
Documentary filmmaker Phelim McAcleer brings the story to
the stage.
1/22/2013 4:31 PM ET
Oil-nation-funded film villainizing natural gas industry earns
half what it cost to make.
12/19/2012 10:58 AM ET
Reporter from Soros-funded NPR StateImpact confuses fact and Hollywood fiction.
12/17/2012 2:26 PM ET
Filmmaker Phelim McAleer’s movie which he says ‘tells the truth about fracking’ will debut on television Jan. 22.