'Evening News' Blames Drug Industry for TB Scare

CBS reporter cites lack of vaccine development but excludes industry rebuttal.

'60 Minutes' Uses 13 of Its Minutes to Back Drug Regulation

CBS attacks drug companies, fails to explain impact price controls would have on the market.

Prescription For Bias

Networks Downplay Drug Costs, Treat Medicine as Entitlement

CBS Reporter Takes Swipe at Drug Industry, Praises Politician in Blog Post

Armen Keteyian lamented 'Big Pharma's' 'control' over Americans.

CNN's O'Brien Links Drug Prices with R&D Budgets

Previous reporting on the cable network echoed liberal claims that drug companies spend little on research.

CBS, ABC Attack Companies on Cancer Drug Costs

Both networks leave out heavy cost of research or that 30 percent of marketed pharmaceuticals are money-losers.
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